Webinar: Introduction to Oil Well Completions
Scheduled: TBD – This webinar will be scheduled again soon.
Author: Ed Chesny
This Live Webinar introduces the concept of what an oil well “completion” is. It covers the basic parameters used in choosing the equipment and services needed to complete an oil well. The course explains what a service rig and its associated tools are, describes their function, and how it is used to conduct completion operations.
Other key topics covered in this coursework include:
- The uses, options, and choices of tubing for use to complete a well.
- Description of how packers and plugs serve to isolate intervals of hole for treatment and/or testing both in the short and long terms.
- Description of how well control equipment (BOP’s) is used to maintain control of a problem situations and how to re-establish normal well operating conditions.
- Learn how open hole, cased hole electric logs, and core descriptions help geologists, engineers, and management determine what intervals of hole should be completed for production.
- Learn how a cement bond log (CBL) functions and how it is used to evaluate a primary cementing job.
- Description of why and how a secondary squeeze cementing repairs are conducted, when necessary.
- Description of perforating equipment and how it is applied to optimize flow from the reservoir into the wellbore and control stimulation pressure.
- Explain how acidizing is used to stimulate certain types of rock formation and learn the difference between matrix and fracture treatments.
- Lean what a hydraulic fracture treating (fracking) is, some history, and how it is applied used to stimulate the extraction of hydrocarbons from tight rock formations.
- Learn what downhole equipment used to prepare a well for production or injection.
- Description of how horizontal wells differ from vertical wells and why they now dominate the drilling industry today.
- Describe how standardized safety practices keep completion crews and other personnel secure, and the workplace uneventful.
Learning Objectives
This Live Webinar course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- What an oil well “Completion” is.
- Preparations made prior to starting a completion.
- Learn the steps and services needed to complete an oil well.
- Learn the basic equipment needed to complete an oil well.
- Understand the completion process from start to finish.
- Understand roles in the completion process of:
- Operating companies
- Wireline contractors
- Cement Bond Logging
- Perforating
- Pressure pumping contractors
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Acidizing
- Numerous independent contractors
- Understand the final product of the completion process is a well prepared to produce crude oil.
Note: This is a live webinar delivered via GoToMeeting. Login instructions will be emailed to you 24-48 hours prior to the webinar and the morning of the webinar. If you have not received your instructions for any reason please call customer support the day of the event. Webinars are live and interactive and students will have the ability to directly interact with and ask questions of the presenter.
We provide technical courses for PDH credits that meet Board requirements for Professional Engineers, Geologists and Land Surveyors. This course is guaranteed to be accepted in AK, AL, AR, FL, GA, IA, IL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WV, and WY. Before purchasing this course, please confirm that your state Board is listed above.