Course NumberCH-02-501
PDH Hours5
Treatment Technologies for Frac and Produced Water

Treatment Technologies for Frac and Produced Water

Author: Michael Kuznetz

During the process of lifting oil or gas from underground formations, trapped water is brought to the surface along with oil or gas. This water, known as frac and produced water, is high in salinity and difficult to treat and manage once recovered. The standards for produced water disposal are governed by state, national and international regulatory bodies and new technologies represent new options to reduce the environmental impact of this waste.

This course summarizes the theory and description of the wastewater treatment technologies potentially capable of reducing or eliminating organic pollutants in wastewater resulting from industrial processes and oil and gas exploration activities. It offers detail analyses of these technologies and identifies the most efficient and cost-effective technologies suitable for treatment of organic constituents, expressed as BOD and COD, in frac and produced water depending on their chemical, physical and biological composition.

Learning Objectives

This course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Brief theory of wastewater treatment
  • Common wastewater characteristics
  • Wastewater treatment processes and technologies
  • Practical applications of wastewater treatment technologies
  • Concept of frac and produced water (PW)
  • Organic compounds treatment in frac and produced water
  • Common design criteria in PW treatment
  • Wastewater treatment operating and capital expenditures (Opex & Capex)

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