Self-Directed Courses for Texas Engineers

Self-Directed Courses for Texas Engineers

Texas engineer self-directed pdh course

Earn up to 5 hours each year
No quiz required
Receive a Certificate of Completion
Complete continuing education courses developed specifically for engineers registered in the State of Texas.

PDH-Pro is proud to offer our new series of self-directed courses for Texas professional engineers. These courses offer a unique way to earn PDH credits – they consist of video recordings of recent TBPE Board and committee meetings – and they are a great way to stay informed on pending regulations, disciplinary actions, and general Board policy. In addition, these courses provide valuable insights into the workings of the TBPE Board.

All TBPE committee and Board Meetings, which take place in Austin, Texas, are recorded. PDH-Pro obtains these recordings and compiles them into an online video. We deliver the video to you through our website, document your participation, and issue you a certificate of completion for completing the course. No exam is required. The TBPE website notes the following:

  • Viewing these recordings qualifies for continuing education credit under the category of self-directed study.
  • A maximum of five credit hours may be accrued for self-directed study.

Self-Directed Course Offerings

Choose from the following courses.