Course NumberCE-02-412
PDH Hours10
Bridge Design - Deep Foundations

Bridge Design – Deep Foundations

Pile/shaft foundations can be an economical/necessary alternative to spread footings. A pile is defined as a slender deep foundation unit, entirely or partially embedded in the ground and installed by driving, vibration, or other method. A drilled shaft is defined as a foundation unit, entirely or partially embedded in the ground, constructed by placing concrete in a drilled hole with or without steel reinforcement. Both piles and drilled shafts develop their geotechnical capacities from the surrounding soil.

This course discusses the design practice of deep foundations, which comprises pile and shaft foundations. It addresses pile/shaft groups in competent soil, shaft groups in soft/liquefiable soil, and column shafts.

This course presents the following useful information to help you to determine if it is suitable for your continuing education needs. Please review this carefully to ensure you receive useful and beneficial information.

Learning Objectives

This course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Analysis/Design of Pile/Shaft Groups in Competent Soil
  • Analysis/Design of Shaft Groups in Soft/Liquefiable Soil Under Extreme Event I Limit State
  • Analysis And Design of Large Diameter Column-Shafts
  • Bearing stress distribution
  • General design requirements

Download the Course to review and begin earning your PDH credits.

We provide technical courses for PDH credits that meet Board requirements for Professional Engineers, Geologists and Land Surveyors. This course is guaranteed to be accepted in PA. Other state boards may accept this course because much of the content is broad in nature and applicable beyond the State of Pennsylvania. Before purchasing this course, please confirm that it will be accepted by your state Board.