LNAPL Site Management
Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) contaminated sites can be very challenging to assess, remediate, and ultimately close out due to both technical and regulatory issues. Therefore, it is essential to develop a strategic action plan early in the process to establish goals, specify a remedy, and chart a clear course to achieve site closure. LNAPL can be technically challenging to recover from the subsurface due to high residual saturation, low mobility/recoverability, and continuous changes in the LNAPL saturation profile with water table fluctuations.
This LNAPL Site Management course provides an overview of effective strategies for managing LNAPL-contaminated sites to protect human health and the environment, while simultaneously avoiding unnecessary and prolonged remedial efforts. Concepts presented in this course can be applied throughout the life-cycle of an LNAPL remediation project.
Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of ten (10) questions to earn 2 PDH credits.
Learning Objectives
This course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Overview of LNAPL fate and transport in the subsurface
- Elements of an LNAPL Management Strategy
- Review of LNAPL remediation technologies
Download the Course to review and begin earning your PDH credits.
We provide technical courses for PDH credits that meet Board requirements for Professional Engineers, Geologists and Land Surveyors. This courses is guaranteed to be accepted in AK, AL, AR, GA, IA, IL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WI, WV, and WY. Before purchasing this course, please confirm that your state Board is listed above.