Course NumberCH-02-313
PDH Hours3
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems

For the first half of the 20th century, pollution in the Nation’s urban waterways resulted in frequent occurrences of low dissolved oxygen, fish kills, algal blooms and bacterial contamination. Early efforts in water pollution control prevented human waste from reaching water supplies or reduced floating debris that obstructed shipping. Water pollution issues now dominate public concerns about national water quality and maintaining healthy ecosystems. Although a large investment in water pollution control has helped reduce the problem, many miles of streams are still impacted by a variety of different pollutants.

This course provides an overview of basic wastewater treatment technologies including physical, biological, and chemical processes. It addresses primary sedimentation, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment such as attached and suspended growth processes, land treatment, and slow rate infiltration.

Learning Objectives

This course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Overview of wastewater treatment technologies
  • Oxygen-demanding substances
  • Pathogens and nutrients
  • The use of wastewater residuals and biosolids
  • Advanced methods of wastewater treatment

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