Course NumberPK-NY-STR
PDH Hours36

New York Structural Engineering Package

All Required 36 PDH for only $405
Regularly $540 – Save $135
 (25% off)

Complete continuing education packages built specifically for engineers registered in the State of New York. Designed to fulfill the entire continuing education requirement.

This package was designed specifically for New York structural engineers looking to satisfy all of the Professional Development Hours (PDH) required by the New York State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology. Currently, engineers must obtain 36 hours of continuing education in each three-year license period. PDH courses should be relevant to the practice of engineering and may include technical, management and ethics topics.

Our New York Structural Engineering package contains a course on engineering ethics and five technical courses that were selected for their ability to maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to your area of practice.

PDH-Pro is approved by the New York State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology as a provider of continuing education for professional engineers (#274).

New York no longer requires 18 hours of live courses: As of January 2022, engineers have the option to choose between online courses and webinars in any combination for their continuing education credits. This update marks a significant shift from the previous requirements, as there is no longer a mandated number of “live” credits.

Package Syllabus

ET-02-001 Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct – 2 PDH
This course presents the philosophical models that guide ethical behavior and examines the standards of ethical conduct in a variety of situations. Decisions from the NSPE Board of Review are reviewed to provide insights into proper ethical behavior.

ST-02-503 International Building Code – Fire Resistance Rated Construction – 11 PDH
This course is designed to provide engineers with information regarding the fire resistance rated construction section of the International Building Code.

ST-02-401 Culvert Characteristics – 2 PDH
This course is designed to provide engineers with information about culvert construction, required maintenance, and installation and replacement methods.

ST-02-340 Design of Sheet Pile Walls – 10 PDH
This course provides guidance for the safe design and economical construction of sheet pile retaining walls and floodwalls. It includes information on foundation exploration and testing procedures, analysis techniques, allowable criteria, design procedures, and construction consideration for the selection, design, and installation of sheet pile walls.

ST-02-501 International Building Code – Soils And Foundations – 5 PDH
This course is designed to provide engineers with information the soils and foundation section of the International Building Code. The provisions of this course apply to the building and foundation systems in those areas not subjected to scour or water pressure by wind and wave action.

ST-02-206 Bracing System Design – 6 PDH
This course provides an overview of the design requirements of bracing systems so that engineers can properly size the members to ensure adequate strength and stiffness. It outlines the design of braces for the superstructures of straight and curved girder systems and covers I-girder and box shaped members.

Guaranteed to be accepted by the New York State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology or we will refund your purchase price – 100% Guaranteed.