Wisconsin 30 Geotechnical Engineering Package
Earn 30 PDH (includes 13 interactive) for only $585
Regularly $1,033 – Save $448 (43% off)
Continuing education packages built specifically for engineers registered in the State of Wisconsin. This package satisfies the State of Wisconsin requirement to obtain a minimum of 13 PDH via interactive courses.
This package was designed specifically for Wisconsin geotechnical engineers looking to satisfy the 30 Professional Development Hours (PDH), including the 13 PDH within the interactive category required by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. This 30 PDH package contains a 2 PDH course on professional conduct and ethics as required by the State of Wisconsin and 15 PDH of technical courses that were selected for their ability to maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge pertinent to your area of practice. This package also includes 13 PDH credits from our live webinars to satisfy the interactive category requirement.
Our Wisconsin Geotechnical Engineering package contains a course on professional conduct and ethics as required by the State of Wisconsin and four technical courses that were selected for their ability to maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge pertinent to your area of practice.
Package Syllabus
ET-88-WI Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct for Wisconsin Engineers – 2 PDH
This course satisfies the 2-hour professional conduct and ethics requirement. It includes the Wisconsin Chapter A-E 8: Ethics Professional Conduct and Wisconsin Chapter A-E 13 Continuing Education for Professional Engineers.
GE-02-301 Bearing Capacity of Soils I – 5 PDH
This course provides guidelines for calculating the bearing capacity of soil beneath shallow and deep foundations supporting various types of structures and embankments.
GE-02-110 Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings – 5 PDH
This course presents guidance for selecting and designing foundations and associated features for buildings, retaining structures, and machinery.
GE-02-210 Repair of Rigid Pavements Using Epoxy Resin Grouts, Mortars and Concretes – 2 PDH
This course provides for the design and improvement of the structural quality and workability of soils used for base courses, subbase courses, select materials, and subgrades for pavements construction.
GE-02-501 Design and Construction of Cut and Cover Road Tunnels – 3 PDH
This course presents the construction methodology and excavation support systems for cut-and-cover road tunnels, describes the structural design in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, and includes a design example to illustrate the course concepts.
Wisconsin requires a minimum of 13 PDHs via courses where the registrant interacts in real time in a traditional classroom setting, computer conferencing or interactive video conference where participants are present in the same room or logged in at the same time and can communicate directly with each other and ask questions of the instructor.
You may select 13 PDH hours from the live webinars listed below. Learn more about our live webinars.
Guaranteed to be accepted by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services or we will refund your purchase price – 100% Guaranteed.