Illinois PE Renewal Package – 30 PDH

Special Packages for Illinois Engineers – Big Cost Savings

Illinois engineer continuing educationAll Required 30 PDH for only $374
Regularly $630 – Save $256 (41% off)

Complete continuing education packages built specifically for engineers registered in the State of Illinois. Designed to fulfill the entire continuing education requirement.


We designed these packages specifically for Illinois engineers looking to satisfy all of the Professional Development Hours (PDH) required by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Currently, engineers must obtain 30 hours of continuing education in each two-year license period. Our PDH courses are relevant to the practice of engineering and include technical, management and ethics topics.

1 PDH Sexual Harassment Prevention Training required for license renewal
Illinois Public Act 100-0762 requires Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for all professions regulated by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). This requirement applies to both Professional Engineers and Structural Engineers licensed in Illinois. This package includes the requires Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.

Each of our Illinois Engineering packages contain a course on ethics, sexual harassment prevention, and technical courses that were selected for their ability to maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to your area of practice. We developed special packages for Illinois engineers in chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, geotechnical, mechanical, and structural disciplines.


Choose from the following packages.

Course Number Title PDH Units (hours) Current Price Purchase
PK-IL-BYO Illinois Build-Your-Own Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now
PK-IL-CHE Illinois Chemical Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now
PK-IL-CIV Illinois Civil Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now
PK-IL-ELE Illinois Electrical Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now
PK-IL-ENE Illinois Environmental Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now
PK-IL-GEO Illinois Geotechnical Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now
PK-IL-MEC Illinois Mechanical Engineering Package 30 $374 Buy Now

Guaranteed to be accepted by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or we will refund your purchase price – 100% Guaranteed.