
Missouri Professional Engineer Continuing Education Requirements

Continuing Education Requirements for MO PEs

The Board For Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects (APEPLSPLA) regulates the practice of engineering and establishes continuing education standards. Engineers in Missouri must earn 30 professional development hour credits every two years. Ethics courses are accepted but not required. Missouri does not pre-approve course providers or courses. License renewal is biennially, December 31st based on the year of initial licensure.

Listed below are the Missouri professional engineer (PE) license renewal requirements.

No of PDH hours required 30 PDH
Renewal period December 31st based on the year of initial licensure
Provider approval The Board does not pre-approve course providers
Course content approval Qualifying activities must have a clear purpose and objective which will maintain, improve or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to the licensee’s field of practice. The licensee is given flexibility in selecting among a broad range of subjects that are intended to strengthen or maintain competency in technical, managerial (business) or ethical fields. Licensees are encouraged to select meaningful activities which will be of benefit in the pursuit of their chosen fields.
Maximum PDH hours to carry over 15 PDH
Online courses No limit on online courses.
State Board Website https://pr.mo.gov/apelsla-continuing-education.asp


We prepared a detailed summary and review of the Missouri continuing education requirements (read the article).

Engineering Continuing Education Requirements for Missouri

At some point in your career as a professional Missouri engineer, you will have to renew your license, which may have you asking: what are the continuing education requirements?

When it comes to the continuing education requirements for Missouri engineers, you have to earn 30 professional development hours (PDH) every 2 years. A maximum of 15 PDH can be carried into the next renewal period. Currently, the next license period expires on December 31, 2020, and the new educational period will commence on the same date.

Missouri Engineering PDH Requirements

Engineering licenses in the State of Missouri are managed by the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects (APEPLSPLA).

The Board does not pre-approve any activities or courses, and they do not mandate any courses for engineers to take. You are expected to take courses that are relevant to your engineering field. You are allowed flexibility and have the ability to select from a wide range of topics that maintain or strengthen your competency in ethical, technical, or administrative fields.

You can’t renew your license electronically, but you are allowed to use continuing education classes that you took in other states, provided that the course content meets the requirements set forth by the Board.

Missouri Engineering License Renewal Dates

Engineering license renewal in Missouri happens every 2 years on December 31st. All engineers are expected to renew their license in even-numbered years—unless you were licensed in an odd-numbered year, then you have to renew your license in odd-numbered years.

To qualify for license renewal, you have to complete 30 PDH in the preceding 24 months. If you can’t fulfill this requirement, you have the option of placing your license in inactive status. Should you take this route, you are not allowed to practice engineering, but you’ll still retain the status of a professional engineer.

Engineering Ethics and Professional Conduct for MO PEs

The Board does not require that you take continuing education courses in ethics or professional conduct. But if you do, the Board will accept them as part of the continuing education requirements for Missouri engineers.

As a Missouri professional engineer, you are expected to do the following:

  • Perform engineering work only if you have been certified and licensed by an accredited educational licensing body
  • Comply with the state’s rules and regulations set forth for engineers
  • Realize that your primary job is to protect the public’s property, welfare, safety, and health
  • Represent yourself truthfully and accurately when it comes to your educational qualifications, area of specialization, and experience
  • Truthfully disclose to clients or customers any issues that could impact or influence your engineering practice

Some of the things you are not allowed to do as a Missouri professional engineer include the following:

  • Participate in unlawful practices or assist non-licensed fellows
  • Help a fellow who is known to be unqualified when it comes to the license application
  • Accept payments or commissions from more than one person for the same project, unless both parties are aware these payments/commissions are being made
  • Give, accept, solicit, or offer a gift, commission, or contribution to ensure employment or gain any other advantage
  • Publicly reveal data or information that is considered to be confidential, proprietary, or privileged

Record Keeping Requirements for Missouri Engineers

It is your responsibility to maintain records of the continuing education courses you have taken for a minimum of 4 years. This is for auditing purposes. The information you need to keep includes a summary of how many PDH credits you have obtained and your attendance verification records.

Continuing Education Activities Accepted by the MO Board

When it comes to the credits you earn to fulfill the continuing education requirements for Missouri engineers, they use the universal and uniform unit of measure that states 1 continuing education credit is equal to 10 hours of study. In Missouri, they allot 10 PDH to 1 continuing education credit, so 10 PDH credits equal 10 hours of study.

Some of the ways you can earn these credits include:

Online Courses

If you acquire continuing education credits from another state, the Board will accept them as long as they meet the standards. The Board also allows you to take online courses if attendance can be verified and the material meets the requirements.

Live Webinars

You have the ability to attend professional or technical society meetings and this can be applied toward your license renewal if the topic is related to your professional practice and is a principal part of the program.

Other Activities

Some of the other continuing education activities that are recognized by the Board include:

  • Relevant computer software courses
  • Professional service to the public
  • Active participation and successful completion in seminars, workshops, video courses, webinars, etc.

Continuing Education Activities Not Accepted by the MO PE Board

Some of the activities that are not accepted by the Board to fulfill your continuing education requirements for Missouri engineers include:

  • Regular employment
  • Real estate licensing courses
  • Non-technical computer software courses
  • Service club meetings
  • Taking courses that don’t keep track of attendance
  • Self-study courses (although these can be used to improve your skills as an engineer)

Approval of Continuing Education Activities

No courses or providers are pre-approved by the Board. You are responsible for determining if the course you take is relevant to your field and meets the Board’s requirements for license renewal.

Sources of Free Continuing Education Courses

If you are a member of a professional engineering society, they may offer free courses as a perk of membership. However, the vast majority of courses require a fee, but there are many of them available online. You can find a wide range of continuing education courses that may help you fulfill your license requirement on PDH-Pro.

In addition, the Board offers a free 2-hour course that covers its rules and ethics. All you have to do is review the state laws found in Chapter 327, RSMo and complete an online exam.

Missouri Engineering Licensing Requirements

To fulfill your continuing education requirements for Missouri engineers, you have to complete at least 30 PDH over the preceding 24 months. There is a wide range of opportunities you can take to qualify for your engineering license, but the Board reserves the right to determine if the activities qualify or not.

For example, if you are a member of a technical or professional society, you can earn a maximum of 2 PDH credits annually per organization. Thus, it’s a good idea to participate in different activities and courses that are relevant to your engineering field.

Engineering Discipline Restrictions for Continuing Education Courses

You are allowed to complete technical courses in engineering disciplines that are outside of your degree and field. The belief is that engineers should have knowledge in all engineering practices and sciences.

If you are serving in the U.S. armed forces, the Board may provide exceptions and you may be considered for license renewal without having to complete the required PDH. The Board will not accept any activity that is less than half an hour for continuing education credit.

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