Continuing Education Is the Key to Success for Professional Engineers
Are you an engineer who hasn’t received updated training in a while?
Don’t get us wrong, your training when you went to school was likely excellent. After all, it takes a lot of time and study to become an engineer.
However, the engineering field is changing all the time, and it is important to stay on top of it. If you’re still unsure whether or not going back to school is right for you, keep on reading. We’ll tell you why continuing education is important to your career.
Meeting Requirements
Of course, the number one reason engineers should continue their education is to keep up with the requirements of the field.
In order to ensure that those working in engineering are highly-trained, all engineers must obtain a minimum number of PDH credits each year. Your minimum required PDHs will vary depending on the state you’re in.
If you fail to obtain these PDH credits in time for your annual license renewal, your license will not be renewed.
Sometimes, states will require that a certain number of PDH credits be from classes on certain subjects. This ensures that engineers practicing in the state have a solid understanding of the state’s standards.
Becoming Licensed
You don’t have to become licensed to become an engineer. Yet, many have found that obtaining licensure helps them increase their earning potential and their ability to get jobs.
Much like a master’s or doctorate degree, licensure provides that extra bit of proof that you know what you’re talking about.
Different regions have different continuing education requirements for licensure, so make sure you know yours are. In most states, engineers must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering and Principles and Practice of Engineering exams.
Additionally, engineers are often required to prove past experience before licensure.
Courses for licensing are often offered through universities and seminars.
Once you have your license, it’s important to keep up with your education, as your license can expire if you fail to do so.
Boost Your Projects Through Continuing Education
Let’s face it: the more you’re learning, the more you’re going to bring to the table.
That accomplishes several things for you. 1. It helps you stand out on job applications, and 2. it makes you more innovative.
Imagine this: a client comes in with a problem that no one is able to solve. You figure out, however, that if you combine two factors from two different classes you took, you might be able to get the job done. You try it out, and it works!
Now, what if you hadn’t taken those courses? You wouldn’t know how to solve the problem!
As you can see, taking classes will help you boost your creative problem solving on the job.
Increased Career Opportunities
You don’t want to be stuck in the same job forever, do you?
Even if you want to stay at the same company, you’ll want to be able to advance up the ranks.
Continuing your education will make that easier for you. After all, at a glance, your employer will see that you are qualified for the increase in position.
If you’re more qualified, you might also have an easier time negotiating your salary. When you’re in the middle of switching companies, you’ll also be able to get jobs with higher pay grades from the start.
The Industry Changes
As with all of the other sciences, the engineering field is constantly in flux.
New discoveries are being made all the time, as are new inventions to improve the quality of your work.
The simple fact is, if you’re operating on an older education, you’re operating with training that is now from the past.
As a result, it’s wise to continue your education before you get left in the past.
The Ethics Of Engineering
If you’re a good engineer, you know that ethical work should be your top priority. After all, ethical work will win you the high regard of others both in and out of your field.
Unethical work, on the other hand, can quickly cause you to be demoted or fired and can leave a bad stain on your conscience.
But how do you determine what is and isn’t ethical work?
Fortunately, engineering classes can help you with that! There are specific courses you can take on engineering ethics, and it would benefit you greatly to take them.
More Courses Are Available
In the age of the internet, it’s become easier than ever for an engineer to continue their education.
Before, engineers worked full-time, making it very difficult for them to fit in-person classes into their schedules. Now, many continuing education resources can be found online.
These include virtual classes, online seminars, and conferences. With just a few clicks on the keyboard, you can learn much of what you need to from home. This allows for more flexibility in your schedule.
You can now do your training on your time. You no longer have to burn the candle at both ends just to keep up with your job.
Looking For Resources On Continuing Education?
We know the stress of trying to locate and take all of the courses you need to stay up to date.
That’s why, if you’re looking into continuing education, you should take a look at our resources! We specialize in taking the guesswork out of your learning so you can focus on completing your requirements.
Do you want to make sure you have completed all the education required by your state? You don’t have to spend hours combing the internet for the details. Instead, you can get access to one of our state packages, which will meet all of your needs!
Just wanting to take a handful of classes? We also have an extensive database of courses for you to search and select the one that best suits your needs.
Once you complete your course, you’ll have access to your certificate right away.
So what are you waiting for? Check out our products today!