Gregory J. Taylor

Gregory J. Taylor, P.E., M.S.C.E.

Gregory J. Taylor is a licensed professional engineer with over 30 years of civil engineering design experience. His areas of expertise include roadway design, hydrology, erosion control, traffic layouts, plans production, signing and pavement marking.

Mr. Taylor began his career with the Tennessee Department of Transportation where he works as an Engineering Manager. He is responsible for designing all types of roadway projects, performs all phases of civil engineering design work including erosion control, hydrology, and grading, while adhering to State regulations, and assists various consultant firms with the completion of projects under contract with the Tennessee Dept. of Transportation.

Mr. Taylor earned a B.S. Civil/Structural Engineering and a M.S. Engineering Management from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga and a M.S.Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee. He also holds a B.S. Organizational Behavior from Covenant College.


Courses Provided by Gregory J. Taylor

CE-02-901 Open-Graded Friction Courses – 2 PDH
This course presents an introduction to today’s roadway open-graded friction courses (OGFC). It provides an in-depth look at the principles and potential trade-offs to be considered when selecting and designing OGFCs.
CE-03-902 Basic Horizontal Curve Safety Treatments – 3 PDH
This course summarizes practical information regarding the application of basic MUTCD safety treatments (signs, pavement markings, and delineators) for roadway horizontal curves or winding sections.
CE-03-903 Enhanced Horizontal Curve Safety Treatments – 3 PDH
This course summarizes practical information on where, when, or how to apply enhanced safety treatments for horizontal curves. These treatments are relatively low cost versus geometric design improvements which can be more expensive.
CE-03-904 Roadway Traffic Control I – 3 PDH
This course is the first of two in this series that shows how to effectively use the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for establishing roadway traffic control.
CE-03-905 Roadway Traffic Control II – 3 PDH
This course is the second of two in this series that shows how to effectively use the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for establishing roadway traffic control.
CE-03-906 Roadway Cross-Sections I – 3 PDH
This course is the first of two in this series that focuses on the geometric design of cross-sections for modern roads and highways.
CE-03-907 Roadway Cross-Sections II – 3 PDH
This course is the second of two in this series that focuses on the geometric design of cross-sections for modern roads and highways.
CE-03-908 Roadway Horizontal Alignments I – 3 PDH
This course is the first of two that focuses on the geometric design of horizontal alignments for modern roads and highways.
CE-03-909 Roadway Horizontal Alignments II – 3 PDH
This course is the second of two that focuses on the geometric design of horizontal alignments for modern roads and highways.
CE-03-910 Work Zone Traffic Control I – 3 PDH
This course is the first of two in this series that shows how to effectively plan and design temporary traffic controls for work zone locations.
CE-03-911 Work Zone Traffic Control II – 3 PDH
This course is the second of two in this series that shows how to effectively plan and design temporary traffic controls for work zone locations.
CE-03-912 Roadway Signs I – 3 PDH
This 3-hour course is the first of two in this series that focuses on how to effectively use signs to guide roadway traffic, and thereby reduce your liability exposure.
CE-03-913 Roadway Signs II – 3 PDH
This 3-hour course discusses how to effectively use signs to guide roadway traffic, and thereby reduce your liability exposure.
CE-03-914 Intersection Geometric Design I – 3 PDH
This course is one of two that summarizes and highlights the geometric design process for modern roadway intersections. The contents of this document are intended to serve as guidance and not as an absolute standard or rule.
CE-03-915 Intersection Geometric Design II – 3 PDH
This course is the last of a series that summarizes and highlights the geometric design process for modern roadway intersections. The contents of this document are intended to serve as guidance and not as an absolute standard or rule.
CE-03-916 Roadway Geometric Design 1 – 3 PDH
This courses summarizes the geometric design process for modern roads and highway and covers highway functions, design controls and criteria, and elements of design.
CE-03-917 Roadway Geometric Design 2 – 3 PDH
This second courses in the series on the geometric design process covers vertical alignments (grades, curves, design controls) and roadway cross-sections (lanes, shoulders, curbs, slopes).
CE-03-918 Roadway Geometric Design 3 – 3 PDH
This third courses in the series on the geometric design process cover traffic barriers, local roads, collector roads, rural and urban arterials, and freeways.
CE-03-919 Roadway Geometric Design 4 – 3 PDH
This fourth courses in the series on the geometric design process covers intersection types, alignments, profiles, sight distance, and roundabouts.
CE-03-920 Roadway Geometric Design 5 – 3 PDH
This fifth courses in the series on the geometric design process covers interchanges (types, warrants) and grade separation structures (overpasses, underpasses).
CE-04-921 Roadway Vertical Alignments – 4 PDH
This course focuses on the geometric design of vertical alignments for modern roads and highways. Upon course completion, you should be familiar with the general design of these alignments.